A few weeks ago I went for a facial and the esthetician had me put my head into this small booth where it had a special blacklight so that I (more like she) could see the state of my skin. I pride myself on the fact that I've taken care of my skin ever since I can remember - washing gently, lots of cream to stay soft, and sunscreen everyday, no mattter the weather. I was not prepared for the mirror inside that blacklit booth for the sunspotted face in front of me! AGH! I was somewhat comforted by the esthetician telling me that my skin actually looked really good in comparison to the average person. Scary!
Clearly I can't go back in time, but I can make sure that I prevent any more damage from happening. Even though we have about 40 days of sunshine here in Holland, that doesn't mean our BFF the sun isn't working it's magic on our skin. When looking for proper facial sunscreen, I think it's best to look to the experts in the Southern Hemisphere who have the strongest sun in the world (or at least in my opinion). Invisible Zinc is an Australian brand of sunscreen that is exactly that - invisible zinc, which means it's one of the safest and most natural ways to create a physical barrier between you and the sun. Rather than absorb the suns rays, zinc oxide repels the rays, meaning it's a much more powerful protectant for the skin. Invisible Zinc is even endorsed by Aussit hottie Elle "the Body" Macpherson, so you know it has to be good (tee-hee!). There are a myriad of choices to choose from, but I think the simplest is to stick to your regular skincare routine, and top it off with a little Face+Body Sunscreen. Of course you can go crazy with the variety of choices that Invisible Zinc has to offer, but starting simple is good, and will prevent a horror film reaction if you get a facial like I did!
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